Learn to recognize their level of interest in you.
How to express romantic intent.
Learning to read body language.
Understanding nonverbal cues.
Questions about dates.
Building chemistry.
Specific or generalized questions about the world of dating.
Questions about relationships.
Learn how to communicate with your partner in a way that allows them to hear you.
Establish boundaries and learn to recognize and respect the boundaries of your partner.
People often communicate their needs differently. I’ll happily read through your texts and DMs to assess what’s going on.
Is there a person in your life that confuses the hell out of you? Don’t get mad, get yourself some Chloe!
Long distance relationships
Ideal date locations
When you can’t figure out when to go in for the first kiss.
You watched the new season of The Witcher on Netflix and have A LOT to say about it.
Unique questions or issues I neglected to list.
For when an hour isn’t enough, I slapped on another 30 minutes and a discount.
We’ll grab a blanket and a coffee and talk about whatever you’d like for two full hours, with a discount to boot.
Mock Date
Congrats on all the matches! Time to level up your game. Take me on a Mock Date and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it.
Pocket Chloe
Perfect for help with crafting text messages, picking out swanky new clothes, or quick questions. I’m yours for the next 7 days! Just send me a text and I’ll work my magic.
Let’s Talk About Sex
When should I make a move? How do I initiate foreplay? What if they don’t orgasm? What the fuck is a clitoris? If this sounds like you, let’s talk about sex.
Coaching Quickie
If you have quick questions about dating or flirtation in IRL, you’ve come to the right place!