Need someone to message your matches?
Trying to take photos and feeling confused?
On a date for the first time in ages and freaking out?
Lost in a clothing store and need a second opinion?
Want to practice your text game?
Here’s how it works":
You send me a small retainer.
Anytime you need me, just shoot a text my way and I’m yours for the next 15 minutes.
Rinse and repeat
(retainer is applied to sessions)
Pocket Chloe
Need longer than a couple of hours? Say… a week or even a whole month? I’ll be around to answer all of your questions, almost as if I was right there in your pocket!
One-on-One Coaching
A 1 hour call for private coaching. Dates, dating, relationships, breakups, or (almost) any other topic you’d like to cover.
Mock Date
If you’re struggling to get 2nd dates, then take me on a virtual Mock Date and I’ll tell you what you’re doing wrong and how to fix it!
Let’s Talk About Sex
When should I make a move? How do I initiate foreplay? What if they don’t orgasm? What the fuck is a clitoris? If this sounds like you, let’s talk about sex.